Concierge Limousine Blog

Healthy travel – 15 smart eating options for business travelers

Posted on: February 7th, 2017

When you’re traveling for business, it’s easy to fall into bad eating habits. Between waiting at the airport and attending meetings, a healthy meal isn’t always your priority.


However, maintaining smart eating habits has the power to keep energy levels up and even has a drastic impact on your mood. Here is a list of 15 ways to keep eating smart on those trips:


  1. Pack Snacks

Granola mix, popcorn, and chopped vegetables, are all great options for a quick, healthy bite.


  1. Substitute Chips

It’s easy to say ‘yes’ to the chips that come with your sandwich. Be bold! Substitute those chips for fruit or veggies. You’ll be happy you did.


  1. Avoid Free Food

When every meeting you attend has some free pastries available at the table, be mindful to not go grabbing. These calories add up throughout the day.


  1. Get a Half-Order

Another great way to eat healthier is to go for the half-order options at restaurants. A half-order is usually still a good size meal and saves you money.


  1. Sauce on the Side

It’s easy to forget that sauces are where all the fats are. Ask for it on the side, and you’ll quickly realize that a little sauce goes a long way.


  1. Trip to the Grocery Store

As soon as you arrive at the airport, be sure to hop on one of our airport transfers and head to the grocery store to stock up on those healthy snacks.


  1. Dine at Healthy Restaurants

Research some restaurants in the area, and find some with healthy-eating options. The next time your co-workers are deciding where to grab lunch, suggest a few.


  1. Skip the Bun

Order your burger bun-less and save those carbs for another day.


  1. Check Out the Menu Ahead of Time

When you’re on your way to the restaurant in the limo, check out their menu ahead of time on your phone to see what kind of healthy options they have.


  1. Sparkling Water Over Soda

Stay hydrated and refreshed with a sparkling water instead of that sugary soda.


  1. Hold the Cheese

Order sandwiches and salads without the cheese. You can usually substitute the cheese for avocado or extra veggies.


  1. Grilled Over Fried

The calorie difference between fried chicken and grilled chicken is huge. Go for the grilled. It usually has more flavor anyway.


  1. No Late-Night Snacks

Eating right before bed is a bad habit to fall into. Your body doesn’t get the chance to breakdown foods properly.


  1. Skip the Appetizer

Getting appetizers is an easy way to overeat. Save your appetite for the main course.


  1. Milk Over Cream

When you’re pouring yourself a cup of coffee, go for the milk this time. It’ll still do the trick.


Also published on Medium.