Concierge Limousine Blog

Work Smarter, Not Harder: 5 Time Management Tips to Boost Productivity

Posted on: April 25th, 2017

management tips

We like to think we work smart, so we don’t need to work so hard. Hard work is the key to success, but that doesn’t mean we like to overwork ourselves when intelligence will do the job for us. The chauffeurs who drive for our car service in LA know what it’s like to work both smart and hard, but you won’t find any of us working so hard we can’t enjoy our time. Being more productive at work can make life at home simpler, but it’s not always easy to find the motivation to work hard and get things accomplished. That’s why we take to heart the advice of the business clients who come through our doors looking for a California limousine service. They are some of the most successful people in their industries, and we want to learn from them so we can pass on their knowledge to you. It’s one of the ways we work smart.


Note Your Time Wasters

You might not need the notation so much as just a reminder that every time you check your email, your social media accounts, respond to a text message from your mom, or daydream about vacation while you’re on the clock is a waste of your time. This is not to say you can’t do these things, but it’s not productive to stop work to do them. Make a note of the things you find yourself doing to waste time throughout the day to make yourself more aware, and you’ll find it’s much easier to put a stop to those things.


Ditch Your Phone

We like to think the best way to be more productive is to eliminate distractions such as our phones. We know they’re vital, but you needn’t check your email every time one comes through. Set your alerts to come through with new emails every few hours or at a certain time of the day and avoid checking until then. This helps you stay focused and minimizes distraction while you’re working. Turn off your text alerts and social media alerts while you work, too.


Start Heavy

We all have tasks throughout the day we enjoy less than others. Our time management trick is to do those first. When they’re done, the rest of the day seems like a relative breeze. It also eliminates a bit of your stress, gets the hard stuff done right away, and opens you up to feel more productive and energized the rest of the day.


Wake Up Earlier

If you want to be more productive, wake up earlier. The earlier you wake up, the more time you have to relax and start your day on the right foot. Few things are less productive than a bad mood, which almost always happens when you don’t have that time to yourself in the morning to get ready and begin your day on your terms.



We want you to stop multitasking while you work, but we want you to start while you’re doing other things. Waiting in a long line? Respond to emails while you wait. Are you traveling for business with our car service? Return phone calls in the back seat while we do the driving. When you learn when to multitask, you learn to become more productive.

Your time is valuable, and you never get it back once you’ve wasted it. It’s time to stop wasting your time and take control of your life. It’s amazing how much more you can get done when distractions are few and far between.
