Concierge Limousine Blog

5 Amazing Time Management Tips to Learn From

Posted on: April 24th, 2018

time management

It’s never too late to learn how to effectively manage your time. If you find yourself fretting over how much time you lose in a day, this is probably something you should look into immediately. After all, we all want to accomplish a certain number of tasks in a day, so it’s always good to get a better idea of how proper time management can actually help us on a daily basis:


Get Rid of Time Wasters

Time is slowly ticking by and you realize you’re not even halfway done with your work and chores. Does this scenario seem familiar to you? Well, like it or not, most of us need to take a good hard look at the way we handle our time, and one of the top things to get rid of is time wasters. Anything that distracts from your original activity can be deemed a time waster (this is entirely up to you to decide), so you’ll need to cut down on such activities in order to get the important stuff seen to instead.


Prioritize Your Tasks

Even if you only have one project to work on currently, you can still list down the steps that need to be done and concentrate on finishing up each one before moving on. In this way, you’ll have an accurate picture of how long each task takes and you might also be inspired to work differently or plan for the week (not just on the day itself) in order to maximize your available time.


Delegate and Outsource

No one can be an effective one-person show for long. The reason for this is that we all need a sufficient amount of rest (both mentally and physically), and if you’re unable to function for a period of time, things just spin out of control. To solve this issue, you’ll need to learn to delegate certain tasks to other people. Getting a load off your plate will also free up more of your time to pursue things you’re better at doing.


Organize Yourself

 If you find yourself doubling back to get your keys almost every day, you know you’re wasting your time. Not only do you feel frustrated when you can’t find something, you’ll also be spending an unnecessary amount of time doing things you don’t need to be doing in the first place. So, do yourself a favor and get a system that’s easy to pick up and adhere to and see the magic unfold before your eyes.


Use Your Waiting Time Wisely

Waiting for people and things can amount to a pretty tiresome and boring stretch of time. Why not make the best of it by using technology to catch up on your work or tasks? You might not be able to do everything on your smart device, but you can certainly make a few calls, answer your emails and read up on reports and articles. In other words, you’ll be able to do quite a bit while you wait.

Our Orange County ground transportation service picks up and drops off a substantial number of customers each day. With a mix of new and loyal clients, it’s always essential to ensure that our chauffeurs are able to manage their time effectively in order to provide each client with an enjoyable experience. If you’ll like to ride with us, just give us a call or book our services online.


Also published on Medium.